AI Meta Idol

AI Generates Infinite Creativity.

AI Meta idol

Revolutionizing The MYDIGITAL Metaverse

What is The AI Meta Idol

Customize Your Metaverse AI Character Freely

Digital identity of Unique Avatar

A unique character in the Metaverse.

Personalized Content Generation

Icon of a User with Digital Content adapting around them.

AI-Powered Virtual Agent

A multifunctional work and life assistant.

Collaborative Creation Tools

Multiple users co-Creating Content, highlighted with Creative Tools.

Creating your AI Meta Idol

Customize Your Metaverse AI Character Freely

AI Training and Knowlege

Choose different categories to create the personality and image of your AI character.

Pubilishing and Promoting

Choose different categories to create the personality and image of your AI character.

Social and Gaming

Build your community

AI Meta Idol Metaverse

Rapidly growing metaverse ecological and economic system.

Earn your Profits through AI Meta Idol

Gain huge benefits through the AI Meta Idol IP licensing and IP transactions.

Technical Support and Security

Our platform provides powerful AI technical support.

AI Meta Idol Community

Start Creating